It's here! Celebrate with 5 days of giveaways!

Sweet Home Cowboy is live!
Is it already on your ereader? Have you begun reading it yet?
I'm excited for you to read the latest story in the Love at the Chocolate series! Elena and Wesley's path to happy ever after is filled with forgiveness, redemption and learning how to love again. It's truly a story that opens the heart and heals the soul!
Here's what readers are already saying about Sweet Home Cowboy:
"I love visiting Marietta and Sage's Chocolate Shop. The town's people add humor, romance and drama to the story. Marin Thomas made me believe in true love. This book is the perfect addition to Love at the Chocolate Shop series." ~Rosemary K
"Ms Thomas has created in Wes and Elena two characters with depth and true emotions. Many of the moments between Wes and Elena warmed my heart, bringing true joy while experiencing the growth of their love for each other." ~Becky
"The whole story was well wrote and won my heart from the mean mangy cat to Elena's grumpy great grandfather and her trying to win them over and of course her romance with the Cowboy I was enraptured and was sad to see the book end." ~Bonnie
"As people are mended, so goes the house. As it gets transformed from rundown into beautiful, Elena and Wes and the Judge and Sandra find joy and happiness in each other. The power and beauty in this book is the love that flows all around the Judge and how, finally, he can tap into it and love back after being so afraid and angry and hurt. Even Elena's mother transforms and moves to
Marietta." ~Monique
To celebrate the release of Sweet Home Cowboy I'm hosting a speed-dating party starting today and ending Monday June 5th. 5 days…5 bachelors…a daily prize and a grand prize for a random person who participates in all of the speed dates! Click on find out more and head over to the event page for details. Hope to see you there!