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The last #CountdownToPromise is here! Molly D Campbell book giveaway!
To celebrate Molly D Campbell's quote for The Promise of Forgiveness, Marin Thomas is giving away 2 Kindle copies of Molly's Keep the...

Ann Garvin Book Giveaway #CountdownToPromise #AnnGarvinLove
To celebrate Ann Garvin's quote for The Promise of Forgiveness, I am giving away 2 Kindle copies of Ann's The Dog Year! Enter on the...

Kate Moretti Book Giveaway from Marin Thomas
To celebrate Kate Moretti's quote for The Promise of Forgiveness, Marin Thomas is giving away 2 Kindle copies of Kate's Binds That Tie!...

Amy Impellizzeri Book Giveaway from Marin Thomas #AmyImpellizzeriLove #CountdownToPromise
To celebrate Amy Impellizzeri's quote for The Promise of Forgiveness, Marin Thomas is giving away 2 Kindle copies of Amy's Lemongrass...

Tina Ann Forkner Book Giveaway #TinaAnnForknerLove
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Tina Ann Forkner's Waking Up Joy! Enter on the...

Holly Robinson Book Giveaway #HollyRobinsonLove
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away 2 Kindle copies of Holly Robinson's Chance Harbor! Enter on the...

Kristy Woodson Harvey Book Giveaway #KristyWoodsonHarveyLove
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Kristy Woodson Harvey's Dear Carolina! Enter on...

Emily Liebert Book Giveaway #EmilyLiebertLove #CountdownToPromise Giveaway
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Emily's Those Secrets We Keep! Enter on the...

Curtiss Ann Matlock Book Giveaway #CurtissAnnMatlockLove #CountdownToPromise Giveaway
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Curtiss Ann's Once Upon A Christmas! Enter on...

Joan Johnston Book Giveaway #JoanJohnstonLove #CountdownToPromise giveaway!
The next #CountdownToPromise giveaway is here! Marin is giving away Kindle copies of Joan's A Bitter Creek Christmas! Enter on the...
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