Mediums and Bucket Lists

This past January I had the opportunity to cross off another item on my bucket list. My husband and I moved and I arranged for a local medium to do a blessing of our new home. Boy, did I get my money’s worth.
My love of history and fascination with the spirit world has led me to take many ghost tours, but much to my disappointment I’ve never had the pleasure of encountering a ghost.

Tombstone, Arizona

San Diego, California

Globe, Arizona
Having our new home blessed was the first time I came in contact with a medium. The medium went through the new house and said the kitchen and the master bedroom had a lot of negative energy. I wasn’t surprised because a few days earlier I had spoken with my new neighbor and learned the previous owners had gone through a nasty divorce. After the medium blessed the rooms with prayers and sage, she sprinkled salt around the doorways and the boundary of the property to help keep negative energy out.
I specifically asked the medium if she sensed anyone had passed away in the house or if there were pets buried on the property. Thankfully no one had died there and no animals were buried in the yard.
Things grew more interesting after the medium finished the blessing. She asked if I had family photos she could look at. As a matter of fact I did! The day before I brought over a box of old black-and-white photos of deceased relatives. I set the framed photos on the kitchen island and after studying them the medium pointed to one and said—“That’s her.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“That woman is here with us now.” The medium pointed to a photo of my paternal grandmother who had passed away when I was only eight years old.

“She wants you to know that she’s your guardian angel,” the medium said.
The medium went on to tell me that my grandmother has been a huge influence in my life, guiding my decisions and actions. It’s then that I began making connections between my grandmother and my career writing western romances.
Before my grandmother died, I was too young to have had long conversations with her, and I rarely spent time alone with her. Yet, out of all the female grandchildren, I’m the one who looks most like her. Not that many years ago I learned that my grandmother grew up in Wyoming. She became a nanny and worked for a wealthy family who owned a ranch. She learned to ride a horse and spent her free time reading dime romance novels. I learned that she’d once been engaged to a rancher before meeting my grandfather and breaking off the engagement. My eldest cousin had been closer to my grandmother and has read all of my books. She said she sees bits and pieces of my grandmother’s personality in my heroines. I’m left to wonder if my grandmother has been by my side helping me write my stories all these years.

Believers and nonbelievers have all kinds of explanations for the spirit world, but I thoroughly enjoyed the house-blessing experience and I choose to believe my grandmother has been guiding my writing career... because it makes me happy.
Have you ever wondered if one of your deceased relatives has been guiding you through life?

Until the next time we Flamingle …stay well!